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Tag: 2011

A few things

New Year’s Resolutions As some of you might remember, my New Years Resolution for 2011 was to donate no less than 2% of my income to charity, a big improvement on my 2010 effort. Happily I succeeded, donating a total of £732.58 last year, about 4% of my income. Some charities I chose because of their […]

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Introducing HitFilm (and a few other things)

So, it’s been a while since I posted on here (sorry!) but I have been a little busy. This will be a general me update, but with enough tidbits of things that are actually interesting that you should still be awake by the end. Big news: HitFilm I’ve been in my current job just over […]

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Baby steps: a resolution for 2011

Recently I read Let My People Go Surfing, by Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia. The book delves into the history of the company, and the preceding Chouinard Equipment, before examining in depth the philosophies of the company and its enigmatic founder. One of the most impressive stances of the company is its “1% for the Planet” […]

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